KonstruktK3 started as a collective virtual art project produced by 3 NSK citizens 24 weeks ago and going further in time on Instagram profile.
Every week artists decide about a theme/concept for that week and make personal interventions - interpretations on a theme, involving the black cross object, first used in 2016 for the Malewitsch der Woche (Berthold Schymura) project.
Art exhibition "24 CROSSing weeks / 24 tednov KRIŽenja" represents digital photo prints as materialization of the collective's interventions in the first 24 weeks of the project.
KonstruktK3 are: Berthold Schymura, Mojca Senegačnik and Matjaž Stopar, NSK citizens.

About artists:
Berthold Schymura, born 1966, lives in Stuttgart/ Germany and works as a Social Worker. NSK Citizen.
Under the alias RIKTINI he is performing magic Shows.
Understanding himself as a NSK Folk Art Artist, since 2016 he publishes and exhibits photographs and paintings as MALEWITSCH DER WOCHE .

Mojca Senegačnik, born 1971, graduated from Fine Arts Academy as a painter. NSK State citizen. Active in various civil and local organizations presenting art education for adults and youth, occasional producer and co-worker for art festivals and art movements such as House on the Hill, KunstHaus Production, Creative work class etc.
Member of Slovenian association of Fine Arts societies and Celje Fine Arts society, lives and works in Celje, Slovenia.

Matjaž Stopar, born in 1950, is a creator working in the fields of painting, graphic, collage, digital arts, photography and performance. Founder of Fine Arts Society 2002, presenting workshops and art education there. In 2018 became a founder of performing arts Kunstkollektiv. NSK State citizen and active member of the Creative work class movement. Participated in more then 100 group and solo art shows. Lives and works in Ljubljana.

Exibition in Ljubljana & performative intervention in Trbovlje - invitation:
Dear comrades,
you are kindly invited to an opening of the KonstruktK3 art collective project exibition, to the Art space Cirkuacija 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Friday, April 8th 2022 at 17.00.
Exibition ends on April 15th 2022.
April 9th 2022 at 16.00, KonstruktK3 collective will perform a performative intervention “CROSSing with Prometheus” in Trbovlje, at Miner Prometheus statue.
You are invited to join us!