We are pleased to announce that Tate Modern has acquired IRWIN's film “Black Square on the Red Square”, from 1992.
The 30-minute action consisted of the spreading out of a 22 m x 22 m square made of black fabric in the central part of Red Square in Moscow.
On June 6, 1992 between 2 pm and 3 pm, the group IRWIN and Michael Benson performed an artistic action "Black Square on Red Square" in collaboration with N. Abalakova (Tot-Art), D. Ariupin, M. Breznik, S. Bugayev (Africa), Charles, E. Cufer, B. Edelman, F. Fleck, J. Harten, J. Kollerova, V. Kesic, I. Koulik, E. and V. Kurlandzev, G. Kurierova, I. Smirnova, K. Tschouvaschew, K. Turchina and D. Zivadinov.