Call for Artists
The NSK State Folk Art Biennale will return for its third incarnation June 14th-17th in the industrial homeland of NSK, Trbovlje, Slovenia.
After successful events in Leipzig, Germany, and Ireland the tradition will continue with Retropolis Trbovlje, where citizens of the NSK State will bring their own contributions to this artistic identity.
Trbovlje has played an outsized role in the story and works of Neue Slowenische Kunst with many members of the collective originating from here. The factories and power plants of this town have been the subject of many NSK works, and coal from its mines has sometimes been their very substance. With the cooperation of Delavski Dom Trbovlje, one of Slovenia’s largest cultural centres, we would like to reinvigorate this connection to our state, returning as prodigal outsiders and seeing the roots of our state again with new eyes.
Artists are invited to submit their works for consideration by sending the following information:
- Name and contact information
- NSK State citizenship status, if any
- A short bio
- Images of the work, or a short clip
- 1-3 paragraph description of the piece, including its dimensions and technical specifications/requirements. PLEASE NOTE THAT NEW MEDIA ART IS WELCOME as the venue that engages in new media events is adequately equipped.
- Registration fee: €25.- Please make the registration fee payable by bank transfer to:
LILIOM Lili Anamarija No, s. p.
Bank: DELAVSKA HRANILNICA d.d., Miklošičeva 5, Ljubljana
IBAN SI56 6100 0001 8601 843
Purpose of payment: FAB3
Deadline: 15th May 2018
Please send as a pdf document to with the title “3rd NSK State Folk Art Biennale”.
FAB3 catalogue, including the mention of all submissions will be published after the event. All sending in proposals, will be notified.
5% of the NEW participants, i.e. not the existing NSK State passport holders, will be given NSK Passports, if they wish so.

Third NSK State Folk Art Biennale Program of Events
THURSDAY, June 14, 2018
19:00 OPENING of the exhibition with introductory speeches:
Mag. Zoran Poznic, director of DDT
Lili Anamarija No
Alexander Nym
Dance performance: Julia Kaja Hrovat (video), Gea Erjavec (dance)
Performance: Berthold Schymura
Awarding a special prize
IRWIN: Roman Uranjek
21:00 Projection of the documentary film: Music is a temporal art 3: LAIBACH, 52 min (with English subtitles)
director Igor Zupa
Jani Novak – Laibach
FRIDAY, 15.6. 2018
11:00 Bus tour through Trbovlje – Mag. Zoran Poznic, director of DDT
16:00 – 19:55 Symposium: RETROPOLIS TRBOVLJE Alexei Monroe; Cultural Theorist, United Kingdom Conor McGrady; dean Burren College of Art, Ireland Charles Lewis; NSK State Reserve, USA
SATURDAY, 16.6. 2018
12:00 Guided tour of the Virtulan Museum of Mining – 4. DRITL POPOLDNE
Picnic on Kum +
performance: Johanna May Schmidt
concert: Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg
SUNDAY, 17.6. 2018
14:30 Film: VICTORY OF REASON (SIEG DER VERNUNFT directed by Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg), 154 min
18:00 Documentary film: TIME FOR A NEW STATE -1.kongres of citizens of the NSK State (directed by: Igor Zupe), 65 min