Fancy claiming citizenship of a state in time? Wednesday–Friday, February 1–3, Print Studio will become IRWIN, NSK Passport Office, New York.
We’ll be exploring expressions of citizenship, and specifically NSK identity, in relation to printed materials this week at Print Studio. Come to the studio this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., when a limited number of passports will be issued for free, while you wait. Apply to be an NSK citizen!

Originally founded by a collective of artists, musicians, and philosophers, the NSK State in Time came into being in 1992 shortly after Slovenia’s independence from the Yugoslav Federation.Its declaration of existence was accompanied by the issuing of passports at various temporary embassies, which operated alongside NSK exhibitions and events.
Led by the Slovenian artists’ collective IRWIN, Print Studio will host the NSK Passport Office, New York for three days and issue a limited number of passports. A concurrent series of presentations, discussions, screenings and a culminating NSK State Citizens’ Rendezvous offers a forum to engage the public with ideas central to the NSK State and what it means to be a citizen of this non-territorial entity. For more information about the program schedule and updates, please visit .
A limited number of passports will be printed during IRWIN’s NSK Passport Office, New York.
Admission to the NSK Passport Office New York is free. Passports will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Print Studio Inauguration & NSK State Citizens’ Rendezvous
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012, 6:00-9:00 PM
Print Studio’s opening program begins with an NSK State Citizens’ Rendezvous, featuring presentations by:
- Miran Mohar, founding member of Slovenian art collective IRWIN.
- Gediminas Gasparavicius, Charles Lewis, and Conor McGrady, NSKNY Organizing Committee members.
After the presentations, Ana Janevski, Associate Curator of Performance, MoMA, moderates a discussion and Q&A. A reception follows, and participants are invited to engage in Print Studio’s activities: apply for citizenship at IRWIN’s NSK Passport Office, New York; view works of NSK Citizen generated Folk Art; make a print using visual resources found in the Reanimation Library: Mid-Manhattan Branch; or respond to a re-imagined task from the ongoing Collective Task project adapted for Print Studio.
Admission to the NSK State Citizens’ Rendezvous is free, but tickets are required and can be reserved online .
Organized in conjunction with the exhibition Print/Out, Print Studio is an interactive space that explores the evolution of artistic practices relating to the medium of print.